Friday, October 22, 2021

Desire to Move - To Grow


 A resolute soul not only survives calamity, it grows  despite it. One may choose to give in the face of adversity, one may choose to crib, "the poor me", one may choose to argue, "why me God?"

This tree at Gulmarg has a different story to say. Yes, it is true that the branches were brutally ripped off. By man or by nature, I know not. By nature or by man, that it never discloses. All that it says is, "what had happened had happened, what next? The roots are still strong, the ground is still firm, the nature is still as resourceful, so the next is to grow. What had happened had happened, now it is time. 

Only to move on. No, not even that, it is time to move forward. For a resolute soul, times of adversities are the time when one chooses to grow! 

When your mind asks, what next? Believe me, good times have come - it is time to grow.

- Brindha Vivek.

Words of hope with faith will sure propel us to a better stage in life.

At times, it is very difficult to understand the problem in front of us as we are thrown into it to drown.

But holding the mighty Almighty and bearing a tinge of hope n faith, we manage to cruise through the stormy situations.

A desire to move, a drive to hold onto the super power and a strong believe in who we are will sure aid us to move in the right direction.

Moving in the right path with a vision to reach a perfect destination is the process of growth and we do that for generations and we tag it as life.

Our life is our growth to make a circle of eternity.ЁЯЩПЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

- Geetha

Grow in the right direction when in dire stressful situationЁЯЩМЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

- Vidya Surya

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- Latha Vijayakumar

White Flowers

I grow

Flowers of white. But why? Is it a colour at all ? When there are somany vibrant colours, why should a flower be in white? I used to ask. Is it a choice for a flower? Can HE be wrong? 

Only then did I notice the green of the stalk that held the white. Only then did I notice the mild green lines on the dark green leaves. Only then did I see the pearly flowers on a grey background! 

Then I was told by science teacher that white is white only because it has all colours in it. 

I looked around,some are like that,they have it all in them, they show the less of themselves out, that their near and come out with flying colours. Have some doubt?- let's look at our parents. Ha, yes! Their hearts are as pure as these white flowers.

- Brindha Vivek

Stay Focused

I grow

This is my story - said the seed.  The moment I decide to grow, I focus. Focus on water and sun! What I focus on, there is my growth.

HE teaches us this with each seed that falls. So let's focus. Now is the moment. Focus on positivity, focus on good health, focus on fresh air filling the lungs, focus on a healthy society. When all these grow, we sure will outgrow.

- Brindha Vivek

Picture Courtesy Latha Vijayakumar.

Pandavara batti


Intention is all that it takes, to be of purpose. Much like this Pandavara batti. Even if you are a green leaf and yet you choose to shed light to ward off the darkness around, you will! Intention is all that it takes. With good intentions growth happens. ЁЯЩП

- Brindha Vivek

Even from a thorn a flower blooms

Even from a thorn a flower blooms

Let there be thorns, HE said. It will protect you! 

For a desert that is fine, but will I ever have a place in gardens, the cactus worried. Why didn't God think over it before he granted my wish, the cactus brooded over its fate. It was all till this morning, when this yellow flower bloomed on it. She picked it up and said, "Garden is not the place where you should be", she said as she placed it on the table in her living room. The cactus found a place that it can call it a home! God's will is always for HIS children . Sometimes it may be thorny, but wait, a day will come when you will flower.

- Brindha Vivek

Picture courtesy DR. Rajalakshmi

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Jasmine plant one morning

I Grow

This is what a simple is capable of, bringing in more smiles. HE wondered what would bring this about. That which is capable of smiling at everyone who pass by, from the moment it comes into existence. Thus was born this Jasmine plant. Whenever you feel like smiling, look for a jasmine.

- Brindha Vivek

Also it spreads so much fragrance from the evening itself, until the buds open fully in the morning.

- Sribala

1000 Petal Lotus / Sahasradala Padmam

I Grow

Sahasradala Padmam, means  a thousand petaled lotus bloomed  at  Vazhappalli mahadev temple  in kerala. lt will remain there for still 2 days. This is a 1000 petals lotus which is very rare and described in Lalitha Sahasranaamam.  Those who have not seen it earlier gets to view it now . Its a blessings to see this flower.

- Dr. Sai Kumari

Flower Yoga

I Grow

Some things are visible, the others aren't. That doesn't mean that they don't exist. Infact the invisible part of each, actually is the working mechanism behind.

Brain has a physical form whereas thoughts don't,but they do exist. The very driving force of existence are these thoughts yet, invisible.

The wagging of the tail of your pet ,has the invisible unconditional love hidden. 

So are these fruits. They are indeed  the fruits of labour of the invisible roots.

- Brindha Vivek

 That is the reason our wiser ancestors went behind these invisible mechanism to understand visible life.

- Latha Parthasarathi

The very 1st lesson of vedantha❤️ Brilliantly articulated.

- Usha Venkatesan


From my Balcony

I Grow

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- Brindha Vivek

рокроЯிрод்родродிро▓் рокிроЯிрод்родродு


I Grow

Merits of Planting Trees

The Padma Purana (Srishti Khanda 28.19 - 28.32) describes the merits of planting various trees.

He who plants a tree live in heaven and saves his relatives. Planting trees can make a sonless person have a son.

Planting the Aswattha Tree can bestow wealth and many sons, and also destroy diseases.

Planting the Ashoka Tree can destroy grief.

Planting the Plaksha Tree can give the fruit of a sacrifice.

Planting the Ksira Tree can make the life long.

Planting the Jambuki Tree can give daughters.

Planting the Dadimi Tree can give wife.

Planting the Palasa Tree can take one to Brahman.

Planting the Ankola Tree can lead to expansion of family.

Planting the Khadira Tree can bestow good health.

Planting the Nimba Tree pleases the Sun.

Planting the Sri Tree pleases Shiva.

Planting the Red Lodhra Tree pleases Parvati.

Planting the Simsapa Tree pleases the celestial nymphs.

Planting the Kunda Tree pleases the Gandharvas.

Planting the Tindika Tree can bestow servants.

Planting the Candana and Panasa Tree can bestow religious merits and wealth.

Planting the Campaka Tree can bestow good fortune.

Planting the Vakula or Bakula Tree can expand the family.

Planting the Coconut Tree can bring wives.

Planting the Grape creeper can give a beautiful wife.

Planting the Ketaki Tree can destroy one's enemies.,destroy%20one%27s%20enemies.

- Vidya Surya

How True! Right?!

I Grow

Truth will set you free but first it will make you miserable - the words of James Garfield. Is truth such a hard, difficult thing? Is it a bitter pill that heals later? Maybe yes, maybe no . The seed fell thinking only of growth. The hard rock that fell over it made life miserable. Very similar to the situations in our lives, challenging the very purpose of our being . The truth of growth is bitter. 

But the day the seedling sees light,the day when the first leaf and the first flower opens , the day when a passerby says "Ah!", the day when the first of breeze flows through it carrying the fragrance far and wide ,announcing the arrival of victory,the truth tastes as sweet as ever. 

We grow when we face challenges in life is indeed very true.

- Brindha Vivek

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роХроЯுрооைропாрой роЪро╡ாро▓்роХро│ை роЪро░ிропாроХроЪ் роЪрои்родிрод்родாро▓் ро╡ாроХை рооро▓ро░் ро╡ாроЪро▓ிро▓் ро╡рои்родு ро╡ро░ро╡ேро▒்роХுрооро▓்ро▓ро╡ா?!

- Annapurani Dhandapani

ро╡ேродройைроХро│ை роЪроХிрод்родுроХ் роХொрог்роЯு,роХாро▓ родாроородроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ாрооро▓் роХроЯрои்родு ро╡рои்родாро▓் ,  роХாро▓роо் рокூро░ாро╡ுроо் рокேроЪроХ்роХூроЯிроп, рокோро▒்ро▒роХ்роХூроЯிроп ро╡ெро▒்ро▒ி рокெро▒்ро▒ு роЪாродройை рокроЯைроХ்роХро▓ாроо் ЁЯСН

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роТро╡்ро╡ொро░ு роиாро│ுроо் роЗродை роЙрогро░்рои்родு ро╡ро│ро░்роХிро▒ேрой் ЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

- Latha Vijayakumar

From Terrace

I Grow

There could just have been plants with just leaves . No, it is a part of mother nature. Means? It needs to add up a little more. There came the buds ,very colourful. Will that be enough. No,it is a part of nature,it needs to add up a little more. The buds bloomed spreading fragrance,adding colour , feeding bees and butterflies with nectar and pollen. Is this enough now? No! It is a part of mother nature and so it wanted to add up a little more. There came the fruits ,fresh and juicy. Rich with all that is only good. Would fill the stomach of birds and the beasts . Will that be enough? No ,no ! It is a part of the nature and hence will add up a little more. The seeds would perpetuate. Till life on earth needs them,they would simply grow . Happiness is in growing  is in being a part of mother nature and adding up a little more,so that life sustains.  The big question is ,are we a part of this process???

- Brindha Vivek

Ennoda santhosham ellame indha chinna, chinna chedigalilthan! Every time when a tender leaf comes out I can't explain the feeling of happiness! And when the flower bud comes nothing is equal in the world! So my world is very small with these children around me❤️❤️ЁЯТЫЁЯТЫ

- Bhuvana

The Track

I Grow

Leaving a track behind helps . When someone is lost in life ,not knowing which way to go, leaving a track behind helps. In thoughts,when one feels cluttered,not knowing which one to choose, leaving a track behind helps. One may not know the beauty of the journey he has taken until he looks back the road he had taken to the destination. 

When one lives the natural way, takes  judicial decisions , follows righteousness, life is beautiful whichever way we choose to tread. 

Maybe HE wants us to understand this,HE wrote this lesson on this leaf ! 

- Brindha Vivek

God teaches the lessons thru every creations.

Guidance most important one which He does in diff styles from His diff versions

See how beautifully sketched them ......

* Aiming high ..the lines from the track goes upward

* Uniformity

* Colour shades - bright n dark which denotes to me good n bad situations ... still it gives a stylish look.

The track....... thru out the guidance, handholding can we say....getting *confidence to grow, hopes to  reach the top, aiming high

Carry well - attitude .....

Learning about Him, His grace, His blessings n growing ЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

- Latha Vijayakumar

True Colours

I Grow

'True colours' we say, one shows it under duress. It happens when the mask falls apart to reveal the true colours. All these with we humans.

It is so very different with plants. The stem,leaf ,flowers and the unripe fruits are all green. When time comes,when it the most conducive,when feeling happy ,they show their true colours. When they feel like sharing the fruits of labour,the show off their true colours. Perhaps that's the reason,they don't have to wear masks. 

- Brindha Vivek.

Plants true colour gives us happiness n lessons too

But unfortunately , humans true colours always give bitterness/ un pleasantness

I will consciously n consistently  remember the plants - (the attitude they carry n grow n the happiness they give all of us......) and GrowЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

- Latha Vijayakumar

A New Day's Bloom


'Thanks' is a beautiful word. It is a bridge between the giver and the taker. The giver understands worth of his gift only in the smile that is seen in 'thanks'.

Today, as she entered her garden,there were HIS gifts waiting for her. She said with thanks ,"this is today's happiness.

HE from above smiled at her once again as these fresh blossoms. If you can smile back at these, if you can sense it's freshness,if you are happy at it's brilliant, bright colours,then you are blessed with a grateful heart. Just for today let's keep smiling in the way of thanking HIM .

Real happiness.

- Brindha Vivek

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- Annapurani Dhandapani

рооро▓ро░்рои்родுроо் рооро▓ро░ாрод роЕро┤роХே роЕро┤роХு ЁЯСМЁЯСМЁЯШНЁЯСМ

- Latha Vijayakumar

Desire to Move - To Grow

I GROW  A resolute soul not only survives calamity, it grows  despite it. One may choose to give in the face of adversity, one may choose to...