'Thanks' is a beautiful word. It is a bridge between the giver and the taker. The giver understands worth of his gift only in the smile that is seen in 'thanks'.
Today, as she entered her garden,there were HIS gifts waiting for her. She said with thanks ,"this is today's happiness."
HE from above smiled at her once again as these fresh blossoms. If you can smile back at these, if you can sense it's freshness,if you are happy at it's brilliant, bright colours,then you are blessed with a grateful heart. Just for today let's keep smiling in the way of thanking HIM .
Real happiness.
- Brindha Vivek
இறைவன் தன் இருப்பை உணர்த்தும் அற்புத தருணங்கள்; வர்ணிக்க முடியாத உணர்வுகள்! மனதில் நிறையும் பொக்கிஷங்கள்! 👌🙏
- Annapurani Dhandapani
மலர்ந்தும் மலராத அழகே அழகு 👌👌😍👌
- Latha Vijayakumar
அன்னபூரணி அருமையான உணர்வு பூர்வமான கருத்து