Sunday, October 10, 2021

True Colours

I Grow

'True colours' we say, one shows it under duress. It happens when the mask falls apart to reveal the true colours. All these with we humans.

It is so very different with plants. The stem,leaf ,flowers and the unripe fruits are all green. When time comes,when it the most conducive,when feeling happy ,they show their true colours. When they feel like sharing the fruits of labour,the show off their true colours. Perhaps that's the reason,they don't have to wear masks. 

- Brindha Vivek.

Plants true colour gives us happiness n lessons too

But unfortunately , humans true colours always give bitterness/ un pleasantness

I will consciously n consistently  remember the plants - (the attitude they carry n grow n the happiness they give all of us......) and Grow🙏🙏

- Latha Vijayakumar

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