Friday, October 22, 2021

White Flowers

I grow

Flowers of white. But why? Is it a colour at all ? When there are somany vibrant colours, why should a flower be in white? I used to ask. Is it a choice for a flower? Can HE be wrong? 

Only then did I notice the green of the stalk that held the white. Only then did I notice the mild green lines on the dark green leaves. Only then did I see the pearly flowers on a grey background! 

Then I was told by science teacher that white is white only because it has all colours in it. 

I looked around,some are like that,they have it all in them, they show the less of themselves out, that their near and come out with flying colours. Have some doubt?- let's look at our parents. Ha, yes! Their hearts are as pure as these white flowers.

- Brindha Vivek

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